Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Rant # "The Human Element"

I'm an avid watcher of The Biggest Loser. It's one of my all-time favorite shows and I think this season is the best so far. As good as this season is, though, they haven't yet managed to slough off the worst part of itself: The human element or the human story. There are actually a lot of things that bug me about this show, but this is my biggest complaint. I also hate the length of the show. It's unnecessarily long. I get the reasoning behind it, they want to extend their viewership on the station for as long as possible. Given that we're in the midst of a writer's strike and reality-based t.v. programming is the only place the networks can turn to for ratings I can understand this tactic. However, understanding it doesn't make me hate it any less. It's all bullshit. Most of the program is filler. And what is it they fill it with? The human element. It drives me insane. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good story and... I like getting to know these people and their stories, but I need it to come naturally. It works best that way.

The greatest thing about this season is the couples aspect. Being in this competition, working together, with someone they know and love makes for some really poignant moments throughout the show. But the best moments aren't manufactured, they're real. And I guess I'm really speaking to another point. I hate contrivances and inauthenticity. The producers of the show consistently try to make these moments happen by their own design. It doesn't work! It's too forced. It just doesn't feel real. I don't know how many impotent pop-psychology bullshit conversations I've had to suffer through all for the purpose of capturing tears on film. I hate it. I can't stand people fucking up a winning formula. All the pieces are in place, the emotion and reality will come naturally without your intervention. Just let it happen! You can't force truth, it just is.

There's also something so disgustingly insincere about these contrivances. It's exploitative, plain and simple. I don't have anything against exploitation, so long as it's owned up to. Here, they play up these situations under the guise of personal enrichment and growth. It's so pathetically transparent. We're not children, we can see through these things. It's so insulting to everyone involved. Most of all, it's counter-productive. It never works. You can't manufacture the real.

DS333, annoyed.

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