Thursday, September 20, 2007

Projected Projects > "Uploading Photos To Flickr"

Pretty self-explanatory this time around huh? :P But I felt that it was worthy enough to chat about. So when I started joining web services earlier in the year to push out my whole "communication" initiative, Flickr was one of the sites that I joined. It's certainly one of the oldest and most well-known services around. For those of you not in the know, Flickr is a community-based site in which members share their photos and/or screenshots to the world, publicly and/or privately. It's all pretty straight-forward. I love the service. Though I might love it more if I had a Pro account. One of the down-sides of having a free-account is the upload limit you have per month. Thankfully... there's only an upload cap, you're free to save as much photos on their servers as you can. I don't take photos all that often, so the upload restrictions don't bother me at all. I have a hard enough time get my photos ready for the web. Which is what brings us to this post. :P ;)

The only photo set I have on Flickr at the moment is one documenting a family trip taken on Easter Sunday to Disneyland. Although we've taken another trip since then, to Arizona on Memorial Day weekend, I've yet to get those uploaded. :( :P As any professional photographer would do, I took a hell of a lot of photos on our trip. ;) Sure, they're not all winners but I want to make sure to edit them all incase anyone wants to browse my library. The photos I post on Flickr, however, are what I consider the best of the best. No one wants to see multiple photos of the same thing from different angles. So I'm very diligent about being a good editor. Anyway, I took near 300 photos on Memorial Day weekend which means I had a whole lot of editing on my hands. Really daunting when you actually get down to it. It's the most amount of photos I've had to edit at one time and that was one of the main reasons that it's taken me so long to get around to completing the project. Especially when you consider how I used to go about doing it (tee hee :P ). iPhoto is my main photo editor when it comes to my Flickr sets. And before I had iPhoto '08... or maybe I should just skip all that and just say that iPhoto '08 is a godsend! I've only now gotten around to finishing up the Memorial Day photos because of iPhoto '08.

The one feature that I can't live without in the "copy & paste" element in the Adjustment panel. Given that a particular set of photos were taken in the same lighting conditions, I can make the appropriate adjustments on one photo and paste them on the rest! It's so easy and automated. It's such a huge time-saver. And while I'm sure it's not a new feature, I'm almost positive I didn't find it in the older versions of iPhoto... I found a "condition" within the Smart Album editor for "not edited" photos. Before this addition, I used to have the hardest time keeping track of which photos I had and had not edited. Now I can create an album of unedited photos from any particular set, edit them at my leisure and once I do they get throw out of the album! Awesome!!! :D

So over the last few days I've been able to chip away at the stack of some 270 photos and whittle them down to around 90. I'm almost there! :D I'm very happy about that... not just finishing that job, but creating this whole new workflow. It should make uploading photos to Flickr a regular occurrence, which in great considering it's pretty much been abandoned since I uploaded that first set. :( But that's all looking to change. ;) I'm taking not just this blog, but this whole year-long project as a work-in-progress. Everything in evolving, finding it's place, grooving, growing, etc. In time, my Flickr account will be something to marvel at... at least in my eyes. :P ;)

DS333, The Consummate Editor. :P ;)

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