Sunday, May 4, 2008


Before this year-long blogging project came to an end I felt it would be wrong to overlook hookers. A blog of my creation would just have to include hookers. Though, now that I come to it I don't know what to say.

I've always been fascinated by the hooker mystique. At the heart of most of my interests lies a strong element of the foreign. Prostitution is so far removed from my experience that I can't help being intrigued by it. And it's important to note that my view isn't tarnished by harsh judgements, it's self-righteousness that keeps us small and limited. It's been said many times before that we're all whores for something. We may not give up our sex but there are sure to be any number of things we trade that we would much rather not to get something we want or need, so who are we to shun our brothers and sisters of the night? That said, I wouldn't exactly consider myself a whore... I just think it important to hold that idea close at hand in times like these when you can so easily slip into a judgemental frame of mind. Then again, you shouldn't have to train yourself to empathize. For me, it's quite natural not to look down on the whores and hustlers, much in the same way it's easy for me to sit down with the addicts and druggies. Some of my very best friends would be considered unseemly, which is ironic since they're some of the best people I've ever known. Stigma's a funny thing that way... it can mean so much to so many people and yet be so meaningless to the few who can see through its farce.

I may have to take this up again at a later time. There's a lot to dig through here and I'm not feeling up to it right now. But I think this is a nice start. ;)

DS333, mulling.

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