Friday, August 31, 2007

The Social Club

I find it kinda riduculous the way in which most of these new Web 2.0 services rely on the exclusivity of their sign-up process to lend some cachet to their product. It's hopelessly cliquey, and I hate cliques. And I don't know if I'm exactly buying this idea that invites are meant to ease the flow of traffic to a particular site to alleviate any growing pains. That being said, I do love being able to scrounge an invite to the newest it service or application. :P It's the law of the land, so what can you do? Although, I don't go crazy for every invite that comes my way. Some of these services I can't believe exist. Can someone explain to me why they would want to use a service like Gleamd? I just don't get it. :P

I was pretty happy when I was able to score a Pownce invite very early on. Which was pretty funny... and by "funny" I mean very hypocritical of me to accept it. :P I received an invite a few days after I had first heard about it... and during that time I had spent a good amount of energy bemoaning yet another new invite-only Web 2.0 service. But when one came my way, I quickly changed my tune. :P

Gee, my left wrist is really bothering me right now for some reason... I think I'm gonna have to call it a night. :( Anyway, I probably wasn't going to type much tonight... I just wanted to let you know that I did get my hands on another invite tonight. Some guy on Virb° asked me if I had any more Pownce invites left... and I did, so I sent one along his way. He returned the gesture by asking if I was interested in a MailPlane invite. I had heard the name before... at least I thought I did. It was a very vague memory, but I accepted for the hell of it. Anyway, turns out that MailPlane is this really great mail app for OSX that integrates Gmail's web interface into a desktop client perfectly... I'd seen it previewed on The Unoffical Apple Weblog before, but must've forgotten it since I knew it was in private beta. Well it's not for me anymore. :P I'm loving it right now... granted, I only just installed it a couple of hours ago, but so far I'm in love. :P

Fuck my wrist hurts! *LOL* I'm gonna headout. ;) Take care guys... Later later...

DS333, owie! :(

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