Thursday, August 30, 2007

Benevolence & Banality

I'm hoping the Gods are with me tonight. They appear to be restless. While I wasn't expecting it, Thunder & Lightning have decided to show their faces. I've always loved lightning and thunder, ever since I was a wee lad. Love 'em still if only because they usher in the beauty that is Rain, my eternal lover. :D It's only recently though that I've developed a slight fear of 'em, and not because I've a fear of the sights and sounds. I'm more fearful at the thought of what ruin they could bring upon my precious electronics, especially my iMac. Ever since I got my iMac, I've been more sensitive to the gravity of brownouts and the ravages of electrical shorts. I'm terrified at the thought of my motherboard being fried. I don't know what I would do without my iMac. It's my first Mac... I love it. I don't wanna lose it. So here's hoping tonight's divine ruckus leaves us unharmed. Ironically enough, I've named my iMac "Kongo-Rikishi", after the Japanese Thunder Bolt Guardian. Here's hoping that counts for something and the Fates are benevolent.

Aside from hoping for divine benevolence, much of my time tonight will be spent in a routine of banality. I've been plugging away these last few nights trying to learn the Dvorak layout as quickly as possible. While I'm not a master of multi-tasking... I find it quite easy to divide my attention between absorbing podcasting content and getting a handle of these new keys. Usually I can't retain anything I listen to if I spend that time composing something as well. I certainly can't write an e-mail or blog post while listening to a show and enjoy it. It's gotta be one or the other. But since I'm not formulating any solid thoughts while I'm mindlessly typing away, I'm able to enjoy my podcasts. It's pretty awesome... at the very least it's efficient. ;)

Anyway, I don't wanna spend much time typing in this QWERTY fashion, so I'll leave it at that. Nothing much to talk about tonight. Goodnight you little devils.

DS333, reaching.

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