Saturday, June 30, 2007


Just a quick post to let you know what's going on with these odd-numbered posts. I'm pretty sure they're easy enough to decipher. The first set of numbers refers to the current year in this blogging "project". The next set of numbers corresponds to the specific post within that year. And the last set of numbers corresponds to the maximum amount of posts within a year. So today's post is within the first year (001.), and it's the ninth post (.009) of that year (.365).

I decided to title every third post on this blog using this unique system. Every third post because the number three is a very significant number in my personal universe. And like everything I mention off-hand in these posts, I'll make sure to speak of that at a later time. ;) I'm thinking these numerical posts will be pretty much fluff posts. Nothing too exciting or meaningful. Just quick updates. Especially since I've no proper title to use for the main body of the blog. I'd like to talk about something else tonight... but I'd like to make any posts with more substance using an actual title.

Anyway, just explaining the method behind the madness. Everything is all about setting up the board, getting the pieces in place. Thought you should be in the know. ;)

DS333, planning.

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